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tv   9 News Now at 5pm  CBS  February 7, 2012 5:00pm-6:00pm EST

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and come the moisture, mixing in with the cold temperatures. for tonight, partly chowedly and chilly skies. becoming mostly cloudy, northeast winds at 5 to 10. we'll talk more about that snow and much colder air coming our way. back to you. >> thank you, anny. a pair of prince georges county police officers are suspected tonight of fabricating a story to explain a shooting during a confrontation with two suspected robbers. the officers are on suspension and scott broom is live in brent wood where the shooting happened outside a gas station. scott. >> well, the problem for these officers is simple. this shooting was caught on a surveillance tape as the suspect's fled a block from here. and what is on the tape does not line up with what the officers reported. the lowest price gas station and convenience store. on rhode island avenue at brentwood. >> it was all over the place. >> the neighbor tia brown saw
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the commotion. police investigating after an officer fired a shot during a confrontation with two suspected robbers, inlewding ryan keith dorm, a convicted felon who was arrested that night and accused of trying to grab an officer's gun. no one was hit by the fire, but it was caught on vary lance video. apparently tells a very different story. >> we had questions about that. >> carlos is the new inspector general for prince georges county. police in charge of oversight who will not say exactly what the video shows. >> we have given that video and they are reviewing it. that a criminal investigation. so i don't want to affect that investigation at this time. >> one of the two officers has been named a 13 year veteran who was assigned to a robbery task force that night on the lookout for trouble. >> walking through the gas
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station to get chips and a soda. >> this man says he knows the robbery suspect, ryan dorm, and says dorm was pulled up by officers for no reason. >> if you are trying to obey the line, what else are they lying about? why is he sitting in jail based off of lies? >> now we haven't seen the video, but sources tell us it plays like this. the confrontation happens outside this store. one of the suspects gets about a block away and according to sources, the video shows a police officer running up behind the suspect, tackling him, with a gun in his hand and using the gun to hit the suspect in the head and that's when the gun went off. that according to sources and just a few moments ago, the prince georges county state's attorneys office issued a statement saying they are dropping all the charges against the robbery suspect, ryan dorm. reporting live in brentwood. >> scott, thank you for that. lesli. >> nearly two years since the
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death of uva lacrosse player, yeardley love. we may be minutes away from opening statements in the murder trial of herrics boyfriend, george huguely v. all the proceedings in a charlottesville courtroom. bruce, are we expecting the opening statements today or tomorrow? >> reporter: well, we are tantalizingly close to seating a jury here at courthouse, but the lawyers have been arguing about opening. the prosecution, they want to get started right away tonight. they have witnesses who have traveled there and they want to get started. but the defense has really been probing these potential jurors very deeply in an effort to seat a group of jurors who still have open minds. the former uva lacrosse player shuffled into the courtroom just after 9:00 a.m., for the trial that could keep him behind bars. he's much thinner than he was,
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but sheriff deputies strapped heavy weights around his ankles to slow him down. huguely's family sits right behind him on one side of the courtroom. he doesn't seem to look at his parents. victim, yeardley love's family sits in the front on the other side of the courtroom, many wearing pink scarves. one juror showed up wearing a long pink scarf. the judge dismissed her. another juror was almost in tears as she talked about her own daughter. she says she is almost the same age as yeardley love. there was laughter in the media overflow courtroom when one potential juror said his friend is dating a reporter. one of the many covering the trial. but no laughter when another potential juror said she was beaten by her ex-husband and fled to a shelter with her son. she is still in the pool. but the judge dismissed another
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possible juror who said he was a victim of intense domestic violence. at one point, he says a relative fired 16 shots into his home. >> i actually had a chance to interview one of the jurors, the potential jurors who was rejected. you're going to get a chance to hear his opinions coming up at 6:00. i'll tell you what, they are not good for huguely. lesli. >> all right bruce, you said it was going to be tough to find an unbias jury. we'll see what happens in the days to come. back to you in the studio. >> thanks lesli. 9 wants you to know that every 50 minutes, about one an hour, somebody dies because of a drunken driver. that's according to the national highway traffic administration. andrea mccain met one young man who almost became a part of that statistic. he was driving drunk. >> i remember waking up outside of my truck with the
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ground shaking. bleeding. and thinking that was it. i wasn't okay with that. >> shock trauma copy. do you have vital signs? >> we met dillon lewis at the lowest moment of his life. >> i wanted to fight. i wanted to live and stay here. and i did that. >> driving drunk on a cold january night, dillon lost control of his truck, hit a telephone pole, and flipped over. >> for some people, they don't get this lucky. they don't get the second chance that i got. they don't get to wake up after the drunken car accident. >> we met the 21-year-old at university maryland shock trauma in baltimore. hours after he was brought in by ambulance, minutes before he went into surgery. >> i won't touch alcohol ever again. i need to take responsibilities of a 21-year-old and get my act
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together. >> i got a call from shock trauma about 6:00 in the morning telling me where he was. every mother can probably imagine how i felt. >> dillon told us the toughest part of this ordeal was facing his mother. >> first thing he did was apologize. i'm so happy he was alive. >> thinking that was it. >> we showed her the interview dillon did with us. >> we agreed there would be no alcohol in this house. never again. >> drinking alcohol isn't for me. i would rather spend my time looking for things i can enjoy doing sober. >> somebody not too much older than you are decided to drink and drive and nearly lost his hand. >> dillon's honesty appears to be impacting young lives. we met him by chance with a group of juvenile offenders. teenagers getting a glimpse of the real life consequences of their destructive behavior. >> seeing blood all over my
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clothes. >> let this be a wakeup call. i don't want to see you here as a patient. >> i hope the kids really learn that, you know, they have families and they have lives and if they have dreams, drinking is going to take it all away from them. that's all i wanted to say. >> andrea mccarren, 9news now. >> and dillon and his mom joined us. we are glad things are much better now, a month later. you told us, you started drinking when you were 15 years old. lesli, you didn't know about it, but should you have now that you look back? >> there were signs that i should have seen. his grades dropped off. he had less to do with the family and more to do with his friends. sleeping in late. that was it. those are some of the signs to look for. >> what would you tell a parent looking around, wondering, could this be my kid? >> i would question the child.
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i don't know what you do after that point. if they're not going to admit it to you. >> that's a good question. dillon, you knew when you got behind the wheel, drunk driving is bad. is there anything anyone could have said or done to make you think twice? >> i don't think there is anything that could have been said to me. i was hard-headed and she told me numerous times not to take the truck out after i had been drinking and i knew there were smarter ways to get to places after i had been drinking, but unfortunately, this is how far i had to take it. >> how do you think kids are going to listen to you as you do what you couldn't do? which is listen? >> because i'm young and i'm still here and when most people parents try to tell their children that this is what drinking can lead to, they blow it off their shoulders like
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they hadn't heard it. but i hope that when children see this and hear my story, then they can see living proof that drinking can get you into serious trouble. >> key thoughts there, living proof, we are glad you are here and drinking can get you in a lot of trouble. i'll note that dillon and lesli are going to stick around a while. if there are parents that would like to talk with them live online, maybe you have a young person in your life that needs help, you can participate and ask those questions on our live web chat. just go to you'll see the chat right there on the home page. lesli. derek, thank you. a high ranking official at komen for the cure breast cancer charity resigned after controversy surrounding the funding of planned parenthood. sources tell the associated press that komen's vice president for public policy, karen handle, was the driving force behind excluding planned
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parenthood. but handle writes, i am deeply disappointed by the gross mismay mischaracterizations. i continue to believe our decision was the best one for komen's future and the women we serve. anita. >> six members of the same family are recovering in a hyperbaric chamber. they were found unconscious this morning inside their home in the 8300 block of bernard drive in fort washington. peggy fox joins us live from children's hospital with the chain of events that led to the family's rescue. peggy. >> a faulty furnace started spewing spewing carbon monoxide. when the little boy had to come to the hospital and when nobody at home would answer the phone, doctors here put together the mystery. >> i heard -- >> i was really scared.
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>> this was the scene in fort washington at around 1:00 this morning. two adults and three children are air lifted to baltimore shock trauma for treatment in a hyperbaric chamber. narrowly escaping death. >> they took atmospheric readings and discovered 450 parts per million of carbon monoxide. now anything over 5 parts per million is considered unhealthy. initially you'll start feeling flu-like symptoms. headaches, nausea, dizziness. if not removed from that environment, you will eventually die. >> the first event that saved the family was their two-year- old son, falling out of his bed at 9:30 last night. his parents thought he was having a seizure and they called 911. >> because carbon monoxide is colorless and odorless, the paramedics who came for the boy had no idea the levels were so dangerously high inside.
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it wasn't until three hours later when the doctor at children's figured it out. >> as we discovered that other family members were not responding, it was something in the environment that was affecting them. when we called, we gave them our concern that this was probably carbon monoxide poisoning. >> it probably would have been a couple more hours before fatal injuries. >> this is a good news story. all the family members are expected to be okay and recover, but it is a reminder to make sure you have a working carbon monoxide detector in your home. reporting live at children's hospital, i'm peggy fox, back to you. >> not a bad idea to have them outside the bedroom. okay peggy, thank you. still ahead, two bodies found just blocks apart right near a busy metro station. now, the police investigating whether the murders are connected. >> california's proposition 8 ruled unconstitutional. what it means for same sex
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marriage. that story is coming up.
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minnesota, colorado, and missouri received their chance today to elect the next republican presidential candidate. front runner, mitt romney, is looking to build on his lead over his chief rival, newt gingrich. also expect ago strong showing today, especially in minnesota. the former pennsylvania senator skipped florida and nevada to focus on the caucuses in the north star state. a federal appeals court ruled that california's ban on same sex marriage is unconstitutional. >> but gay and lesbian couples have to wait before they can tie the knott there.
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edward lawrence is there with reaction on today's ruling. >> reporter: people outside the federal courthouse in san francisco cheered and hugged after judges ruled california's ban on same sex marriage is unconstitutional. >> i'm over joyed. we already knew that proposition 8 violates the law of love. >> in a 2-1 decision, the 9th u.s. circuit appeals court upheld a lower courts ruling that it violates the civil rights of gay and lesbian couples. chris perry and sandy have been fighting to overturn the ban. >> it's not okay to take away something. >> during the four month period, same sex marriages were legal in 2008. an estimated 18,000 couples tied the knott. but 52% of voters put a stop to same sex weddings when they backed proposition 8. the legal fight is far from over. proposition 8 sponsors are promising to appeal all the way to the supreme court. >> we are simply attempting to
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protect the institution of marriage and its title and definition as only between a man and a woman. >> for now, same sex marriages are on hold until the legal battle plays out. edward lawrence for cbs news, los angeles. >> same sex marriages rleal in six other states and here in washington, d.c. let's take it out to you guys on a lovely night on the weather terrace. >> it is. it's not going to look this way this time tomorrow. >> there's a change in the weather. >> we aren't expecting a lot of snow, but it's the timing of the snow impacting tomorrow evening's commute. so tonight, no problem. as we look at the michael and son weather camera. blue skies, temperatures getting around 56 degrees in downtown. it was a really nice day for the early part of february. temperatures now 53 in downtown. partly cloudy. the winds out of the north at around 8 miles per hour. here's a look at the national satellite and radar picture. st. louis, little rock ire
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yairks of low pressure, bringing in showers. we'll draw in some of this moisture, mixing in with the cold weather by tomorrow afternoon and tomorrow evening. right now, temperatures 50 in bethesda. rockville 52. reston 51. arlington 52 and beltsville around 52 degrees. so a pretty nice day today. we have changes coming this way. increasing clouds tonight. wednesday's morning commute, no problems getting in. the afternoon may see light snow developing. rain out toward the bay and in the critical time for that snow will be from 4:00 p.m. until 9:00 p.m. just in time for that evening commute. so we'll add time for a will the of folks heading home tomorrow night. here's a look at the future cast. cloudy conditions overnight through tomorrow morning. wednesday, 11:00, i pause this. you see the blue, this is light snow. it points north and west of town, including frederick, winchester, you'll see the light snow developing. that moves into the d.c. area late afternoon, early evening
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at 5:15. you can see a little mix before it changes over to snow. you see the green, points south and east of town. mostly talking a rain event. through 9:00, and probably see the snow sticking mainly to the grassy surfaces. road surface above freezing, so not a lot of accumulation is expected. maybe a trace to around half an inch around the d.c. metro area. .7 possible for gaithersburg. 1 to 2 inches towards hagerstown. you'll see some of the higher amounts. 3 inches. it's the timing that is going to make things hairy. for tonight, partly cloudy and chilly. becoming mostly cloudy. mid 30s around downtown. tomorrow morning, mostly cloudy and cold. snow showers well north and west of town. bring out the jacket and the boots. temperatures will be in the 30s for most of the day. maybe 40 for some locations. here's a look at your seven-day
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forecast. we're going to be out of the woods for thursday and friday. lots of sunshine by friday. back into the lower 50s. we have a much colder air mass coming in, impacting the weekend. saturday and sunday highs, look at that. only in the mid to upper 30s. so, you want to hold on to your winter jackets over the next few days and tomorrow, we could see some slick spots, especially around the bridges and overpasses and also the untreated roads where i think by tomorrow night, temperature falls, we could see some slick spots. so prepare, pack your patience for tomorrow's evening commute. >> sounds like a plan. >> coming up, a new sex survey sheds new light on love and marriage. up next, more than 40 states sign on to faulty foreclosure practices. we'll be back.
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a settlement deal has been reached between the nation's five mortgage lenders and more
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than 40 states. the agreement was reached after lenders admitted to abusive foreclosure practices. banks will have to reduce home loans for 1 million homeowners, mission, they'll have to pay hundreds of thousands of people who lost their homes to foreclosure, approximately $2 ,000 each. >> nearly half of the country received some government assistance check in 2010. that is more than 148 million americans. according to an analysis, the 2010 census data at george washington university, the federal government sent a record $2 trillion to individuals in fiscal 2010. that's up nearly 75% from a decade earlier. 26% of americans lived in households where someone received medicaid. 15% received food stamps. 16% of people lived in households collecting social security. and 15% received medicare benefits. whether we wanted it or not, a new poll is giving us a
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glimpse into the sex lives of married couples. >> 1,000 wives ages 18 to 49 found 75% say a good sex life with their spouse is very or extremely important. 16% say it's only somewhat important. >> and 67% say it is feelings of love that translate into action in the bedroom. 44% say they get in the mood when their spouse says nice things. and 25% say seeing their spouse as a great parent gets the juices flowing as well. 20% say it's when the spouse cleans the house and makes the dinner that the action really gets hot. >> can we say women are practical people. as for what turns wives off, stress reduces their desire to have sex. 49% say exhaustion. 39% say it's the kids. 34% say lack of romance, and 31% say argument. 14% say loss of physical attraction. >> 87% say it's the xbox. >> okay. derek apparently you make up
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that entire 87%. all right, first stop is super bowl. next stop the world. coming up, madonna announces her upcoming concert. including a stop here in d.c. also ahead, shocking surveillance video of a stroller rolling off the train tracks and a mother diving to save her child. and still ahead, two bodies are found just blocks apart near a busy metro station. police are investigating whether those murders are connected. -dad, why are you getting that? -that's my cereal.
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is there a prize in there? oh, there's a prize, all right. is it a robot? no. is it a jet plane? nope. is it a dinosaur? [ laughs ] [ male announcer ] inside every box of heart healthy cheerios are those great tasting little o's made from carefully selected oats that can help lower cholesterol. stickers? uh-uh. a superhero? ♪ kinda.
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[ male announcer ] and we think that's the best prize of all. ♪ we are following a developing story in prince georges county. that's where police are investigating the murders of two young men just blocks away from each other. >> the first body was discovered around 10:40 10:45 last night. about 45 minutes later, a second body was found near 78th avenue and garrison road. matt joins us live with the latest on the investigation. matt. >> lesli, it was indeed a violent night last night here in prince georges county. actually, in one prince georges county neighborhood. >> two murders apparently committed less than a mile away and less than an hour apart. prince georges county police looking for a connection tonight. >> we are certainly exploring the possibility that these crimes are connected. >> first one happened around 10:45 last night. that's when a 16-year-old boy,
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a student at charles flowers high school in prince georges county. >> i feel really bad he died. >> was found shot to death in the 5300 block of 85th avenue. >> officers found the victim, 16-year-old christopher donald smith near a sediment pond. >> body of the second victim was found 45 minutes later by the same ambulance crew that was called to the scene of the first murder. >> it's a fairly quiet residential neighborhood. >> the victim was a 23-year- old man who police say was shot to death while riding a bike. >> that victim has been identified as 23-year-old alfonzo edward thompson, jr., of hanover parkway. >> prince georges county police say they have no suspect or motives. nor do they know if they're connected. that's clearly a possibility. >> the time and the proximity of these two crimes naturally raises the question, are they linked? the answer is, we don't know yet. >> which is why police are
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asking anybody with any information about either murder to call crime solvers at 866- 411-tips. lesli. >> all right matt, thank you. a former pastor of a montgomery county church pleaded guilty today to child sexual abuse charges. 74-year-old joe ivy was accused of sexually abusing a 10 or 11- year-old girl from january '09 to december 2010. ivy resigned as senior pastor and under the plea deal, he'll likely get 20 years in prison with all but four years suspended when he's sentenced march 28. a former driver pleaded guilty for child pornography charges. 29-year-old scott left a memory card from his cell phone at a 7- eleven in clinton. it contained child pornography and police were able to find the victim. smallwood later admitted he had
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several contact with the boy. minimum of 15 years in prison. derek. >> anita, tonight 9 wants you to know about dillon's story. i'm live in our web chat center. they are talking with viewers online about young people and alcohol abuse. now remember, we just did a story of dill listen and how he got into a serious car crash, because he was drinking and driving and dillon is right here with us. you're getting a lot of questions from people who want to know, how do you get kids to listen? >> well, it's a good question. as mark said on this chat, he can better explain it. you have to humanize yourself. let your child know that you were once that young kid who was making troubling decisions. let them know you're there to talk. not only lecture, but share feelings and try and get them to stay away and find other things to do. >> you're doing a great job of that for us. you're going to stick right here for a little while longer
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so you can join us on our chat regarding alcohol abuse, young people driving while drunk, all things that need to be discussed. go to our website, you'll see the chat on the front page. back to you in the studio. >> thank you, derek. place your bet. a new bill in the state senate would permit table games in maryland. and a casino at national harbor in prince georges georges county. the bill would require the approval of county residents as well as voters statewide. maryland faces stiff competition for gamblers dollars. west virginia all allow table games like blackjack, roulette, and poker. a tribute to harriet tubman. led hundreds of slaves to freedom was unveiled today in washington. many of her descendents were president at the wax museum. students from washington's harriet tubman elementary school were also there. the life and times of benjamin franklin are coming to
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life again. a new exhibit called, benjamin franklin, in search of a better world, is opening at the national archives. the program includes letters from the founding father, journals from the continental congress, as well as other documents from his brilliant life. a rare 1787 printed version of the constitution is also going to be on display. the franklin exhibit is free and it opens to the public this friday. fresh off her halftime appearance, madonna is coming to washington. the material girl is bringing her world tour to the verison center. the show scheduled for the 23rd of september. when madonna went on the road the last time, she went on the record for the highest grossing. tickets go on sale next monday. still ahead, how much will you be spending on your sweety this valentine's day? enough to keep. how your budget stacks up against the rest out there. anny. >> lots of sunshine today.
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temperatures getting up to 56 degrees. we have some changes coming this way. we have cloudy conditions and wintery weather. more details coming up. up next, a trip to the circus turns really scary for a crowd of spectators when they watch that stunt man take a nasty fall. we'll show you what happens to them. and don't forget, we're always on stay with us, we'll be back. [ male announcer ] this was how my day began.
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a little bird told me about a band... ♪ an old man shared some fish stories... ♪ oooh, my turn. ♪ she was in paris, but we talked for hours... everyone else buzzed about the band. there's a wireless mind inside all of us. so, where to next?
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♪ caught on tape, a circus stunt that went bad. a daredevil with the shrine circus got injured over the weekend in michigan when his bike hit a cable and crashed down 25 feet to the floor. that's home video you're
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looking at. the biker going up, up, trying to flip over, but he catches that cable and plunges to the ground. the circus director says the cable is too low. the motorcyclist got several broken bones because of the cable. he is expected to get better. >> okay. frightening video from australia where an infant narrowly escapes serious injury. the frantic mom jumps down on the tracks moments before the next train arrives. there have been similar close calls. that's because the old train platform sloped down towards the tracks. >> obviously paramount and we have seen these instances. parents need to take care. >> all the young children education caped unharmed following their plunge down on to the tracks. new stations are constructed so
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platforms slope away from the rails. >> at least those are the words of a woman who gave birth to a baby on the side of a california freeway. nicole reynolds believes her mom's peacan pie or the ribs triggered the delivery. she and her husband were racing to hospital when it became obvious they weren't going to make it, so dad became the doctor. >> so i really think that 911 dispatcher, i really thank nicole, my wife, for trusting me to practice as a doctor this morning. >> sounds like he didn't have a choice. bay aarrived weighing 7-pounds, 8-ounces. mom and dad have been celebrating the giants victory before it was time for the audible. oh boy. ceremonies today mark the 200th birthday of charles dickens. he layed a wreath in westminster abby. in the grand church's poets
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corner. dickens novels include oliver twist and great expectations and they are still read by millions. still to come, should religious organizations oppose to birth control be forced to cover the costs in their employee insurance plans? up next, what really raises the risk of those dangerous blood clots when you fly. a health alert for all air travelers is coming up.
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topping tonight's health alert, cheaper seats on your next flight won't increase your risk of dangerous blood clots. their review of research on deep vein thrombosis shows it doesn't matter how much leg room you have. what's crucial is how much you get up and move around. prevent any clots from forming in your legs. >> tonight, the obama administration says it's ready to tackle what could be the defining disease of the baby boomer generation. alalzheimer's. to identify treatments and hopefully find a cure. more than 5 million americans currently suffer from alzheimer's disease, that number could double by 2050.
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>> we are confident that this new initiative will speed our efforts to help all those whose lives have been or who stand to be touched by alzheimer's disease. they know far better than anyone, scientific progress cannot wait. >> and it won't have to. $50million will be made available right away to the national institutes of health to start new clinical trials. >> white house adviser today defended the obama administration's decision to require church affiliated employers to cover birth control for their employees. he also said they are looking for a way to compromise on this one. that in the face of tremendous political heat from many in the catholic church who argue this provision would reach their fate. from catholic university and ted miller from pro-choice america and professor, i'll start with you. i work at catholic university, if i'm a woman, but i don't go to church with you.
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why should i follow birth control? >> when people sign up for employment at catholic universities or catholic charities or catholic hospitals. they know what they're getting into, just as you go to a jewish deli, you can't order pork chops. >> so in other words, the rules are on fair that. they shouldn't expect birth control coverage. >> absolutely. a lot of catholics are furious. what do you have to say to them? >> first of all, the obama administration did the right thing. women across this country are going to have access to contraception. let's keep in mind, 98% of women use contraception and universities and hospitals employ people with a wide range of religious beliefs. >> the way you put it, women almost have to choose between a job and coverage for the medical need they have. >> you know, it's not about contraception at all. i'm a proobama catholic.
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i'm in favor of universal access to contraception for all women and men in america. what this is about is religious conscious. the obama administration and this hhs mandate decision is forcing university administrators of catholic charities, administrators of catholic hospitals, to do something against their faith, and that's -- >> i would ask you to consider from this perspective. it does not require churches to require contraception. they won't be affected. but again, these are institutions hospitals and colleges that employ people from a wide range of religious backgrounds. you have to draw a line between something that is a church and something that the church affiliated organization, don't you? >> not really. what's the difference between catholics are trying to do in their schools or what catholics are trying to do in their charities. these are run by nuns and priests and so on and so forth. we have to respect the
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religious nature of those organizations. >> looking for a way to compromise. is there a compromise? >> i think there is. whether it's an accounting procedure, a little piece of legislation from the hill, you know, maybe a tweak. it seems to me that, you know, reasonable people should be able to figure out a way to protect religious liberty. >> there is a reasonable policy, because it acknowledges a person can continue to practice his or her faith. but women who work at these institutions and hospitals can still have access to contraception. let me say this as well. in the last day, two independent polls, including one from a religious institute said catholic voters are with president obama. they know that it strikes an important balance between a person's religious views and the ability to make sure that women are able to make the healthcare decisions that are best for them and their families. so the public is behind the obama administration's decision.
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>> we appreciate your time today. we'll give it back to you. >> we are talking weather now and it is gorgeous outside. but things are changing? >> oh yeah, things are changing. 24 hours from now, things will be much different. talking about a chance of snow to come into this area. it's the timing of the fro impacting the evening commute. here's a look at the michael and son weather camera. we have blue skies, gorgeous day today, temperatures getting into the mid 50s. some places getting close to 60 degrees. temperatures around 53. partly cloudy conditions. the winds are out of the north at 8 miles an hour. we see more clouds that will come in overnight tonight. ahead of an area of low pressure system bringing in some of the presip for tomorrow. in the form of snow showers and out toward the bay. probably mainly rain event. right now in manassas, 55 degrees. leesburg 50. 52 in martinsburg.
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cumberland into the mid 40s out in annapolis. pax river also 50 degrees at this hour. we should be around mid 40 for this time of year as far as highs are concerned. we have changes on the way, increasing clouds tonight. wednesday's morning commute is going to be fine. now, afternoon, some light snow developing the north and west of us. out towards southeast of town, talking about mainly rain. the critical time for the snow will be at 4:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. targeting that evening rush hour. here's a look at the future cast. cloudy skies for tomorrow morning. at 7:00, that's where the clock says the light blue indicating light snow out to the west of us. now as we get through the morning and afternoon hours, we'll see more snow around frederick and leesburg, winchester. this coming in by wednesday afternoon, maybe mixed first around the district. but then by the evening, we could see some snow impacting that commute. you can see the green, which is south and east of us, around southern maryland. it should be mainly a rain
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event. now the road temperature well above freezing. accumulation not a whole lot expected. maybe around d.c., a trace to maybe an inch. you see the white, this is 1 to 2 inches around gaithersburg. and the blue, 2 to 4 inches possible around the mason dixon line. you'll see higher amounts near cumberland and oakland around the ridge area and points west of it. all right, what we're expecting is that rain to impact mainly the bay area and then we're talking about snow points north and west. partly cloudy and chilly. lows in the 30s. tomorrow morning, as you are heading to work, no problems unless you're out far north and west of town, where we could see some snow developing. don't forget your jacket and your boots. afternoon, cloudy and cold. light snow developing. a trace around downtown. higher elevations up north and west. 2 inches is possible. here's a look at your next seven days. this is a short lived event just tomorrow. thursday and friday, lots of
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sunshine. temperatures in the lower 50s. weekend turning out to be colder. tomorrow, pack your patience for that evening commute. back to you guys. >> thanks a lot, anny. a story of one of the newest capitals players who really carries an emotional legacy. kristen. >> that's right, professional athletes are so much more than we see on the ice. just like us, they are shaped by the events in their lives. today, dave owens tells us about capital's right winger, joe ward, and his inspirational path to the pros. >> joe ward is blue collar. a grinder, always has been since he grew up playing on the pond with his brothers. >> you notice him right away, a black man playing hockey and he traveled the long road from juniors to d.c. that said, if you think he heard every negative slur in the book, you're right. >> in minor hockey, it's tough at times. kids can say some cruel things. >> he needed tough skin, which
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was a good thing, because it would prepare him for another traumatic event, peewee hockey, age 14. >> he suffered a stroke during that gauge. >> days after my father had a blood clot to the brain. >> fueled by the memory of dad, he never relented. he debuted with minnesota in 2006. >> that's a day i'll never forget. >> and scored 7 goals in the post season for nashville last year. now he is rocking red. >> the games have been crazy. >> our stalls are together. he's a fun guy to get to know. he paid his dues. >> indeed he has. he's never forgotten what he went through. that he mentors youth, especially black kids. letting them know they can play hockey, too. number 42 may number score 42 goals. he has done good. he only wishes dad could see. >> to see him up in the
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stands. i know he's watching. >> dave owens, 9sports now. >> ward and his fellow capitals take on the panthers. a very important game for them. i'll have more coming up later in sports. anita. >> still ahead, the giants will get their visit to the white house. but science fairs standouts from across the country. they get their turn. we invite the team that wins the super bowl to the white house. we need to invite some science fair winners to the white house as well. [ applause ] >> this is bruce johnson. coming up, how would you like to have some 15,000, 18,000, $20,000 to your annual income? some d.c. government workers are doing just that illegally. and up next, some ideas to snatch up for your sweety before next tuesday's valentine's day.
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hands that feel soft and silky smooth! ooh...she's got the look. what's her secret? the gloves? dawn? i don't believe it. [ male announcer ] it's a dishwashing sensation... dawn hand renewal with olay beauty. it contains revitalizing proteins to help smooth skin on hands -- improving their look and feel in just five uses. [ sponge ] soft, smooth... fabulous! you're quite the trendsetter. [ male announcer ] dawn does more... [ sponge ] so it's not a chore. in another week, couples will express their love for each other. and retailers expect they will spend a lot on their sweeties. stores are stocked with deals they hope you'll snatch up. >> love isn't cheap, at least not this valentine's day. americans are expected to shell out more than $17 million to show their affection. shopper wills spend $126 per
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person. the highest figure since the national retail federation started their survey. the average man will spend $169. twice as much as the average woman. she will spend just over $85. more than half of cupids will buy candy. 36% flowers. another 36% will spend money for a night on the town. and 19% jewelry. most bargain hunters will head to discount stores. a sign the economy is still on their minds. and retailers will have special deals in stores on items love birds seek the most. shoppers will continue one trend from the holiday season. one in five will look for gifts online. and more than half will use tablets to research prices. look for discounts and purchase gifts. >> if you want to give the gift of chocolate on valentine's day. consumers reports said the signature gift box as a winner for its smooth chocolate and
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unusual fillings. that followed by the flavorful ferrero for $11. and gadiva for $40 is a real treat, especially if your valentine likes it sweet. this is 9news now. >> two years ago to the day, we started digging out from the blizzard now known as snowmegeddon, another snow hit us two days later, dropping 40 inches of snow in some parts of our area. while today was a gorgeous day, guess what's in the forecast? let's go to anny hong who is in for topper tonight. >> talking about some increasing clouds overnight and then by tomorrow this time, we could see some light snowfalling. let's go straight to that map to show you our future cast. tomorrow morning's commute is going to be fine. unless you are far north and west of town, that's the areas of light snow, we could see early in the


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